About the Help and Support category

Post here if you are running into any issues using the software.

While we would prefer there to be no issues with the software at all, we don’t live in a perfect world, which is why we need your help as testers.

Please create a new topic if you encounter any strange behaviour in the software. Please consider including the following details:

  • Where in the software did you encounter the issue?
  • What is the issue preventing you from doing?
  • Was the issue a once off problem, or common?
  • What version of the software is it?

We will get back to you as soon as we can, though please note that our product development team work standard business hours.

I converted from version11 to version 12 in August. During the conversion my columns went to alphabetical order, and included columns that had previously been deleted, years before. So now my spreadsheet is very difficult to use. it would also be much easier if I could talk to a technician about this, rather than wait for a reply to an email! The subscription cost surely justifies some sort of human interaction.

Hi jondialcorn, and welcome to the Cashflow Manager Community!

This was a previous issue with Version 12, and can be best resolved by going to Tools > Customise > Money in/out
then from this screen you can Delete. Hide or Edit any of the columns you do not need, then Save.

Please feel free to call us on 08 8275 2000 and we will be happy to assist!
