Backing up your data

Keeping your financial information secure and up to date is critical for all business owners.

Backing up your file minimizes the loss of data if you experience a sudden power loss or if your computer should fail. We strongly recommended that you backup your Cashflow Manager file each time you finish working with the program.

Cashflow Manager saves your data in a default database file on your PC, which can be located at:


‘Username’ is the name Windows uses for your account. For example Bill Smith might have a Windows user name of Bill Smith. The file would then be located in

       C:\Users\Bill Smith\AppData\Roaming\CFM\Cashflow12\Data*

Note: to view AppData you must allow hidden items to be shown. This can be checked in the view tab of File Explorer.

It is also recommended that you do a secondary backup to an external location separate from your computer such as a USB drive, external hard drive or an online storage account. This is so you have the information to restore in the event of a burglary, fire/flood or your computer crashing.

To create a Back-up file:

  1. Click on [File],and select [Backup].


  2. The Data Back-up screen and back up file name will automatically appear.

  3. Click on the [Browse] tab to select the location you wish to backup your file.

  4. The save as screen will appear – “navigate” to the location you wish to backup your file (eg. USB Drive). The name of your file will appear, with the extension b12.

  5. Simply click on [Save].

  6. The location and name of your backup file will then appear in the Data Backup screen. Click on [Backup] and [Ok].


Please comment below if you have any questions