Issue with allowances or termination payments doubling in myGov. - Hotfix Available

We have identified an issue where certain allowances and termination pays have been doubled in some employees’ income statements.

This will only affect you if any of your employees have been terminated in the financial year or have been paid any of the following allowances.

            •	Working conditions
            •	Non-deductible expenses
            •	Allowance by way of unconditional extra payment, 
            •	Qualification allowance, 
            •	Task allowance

We have now released a hotfix version of Cashflow manager (v12.3.1) to address this issue.

You can Download this update here.

If you haven’t sent through a pay for the new financial year yet, follow the below steps to remedy issues with allowances.

  1. Download and install the latest Update v12.3.1

  2. Delete the most recent pay:

    • In the Employees section of Wages, select the employee’s name.

    • Select [Pay Single Employee] on the right-hand side under Functions.

    • Document the details of the pay run you need to reprocess.

    • Note: Print off the pay advice before you remove and select the grey square next to the Pay Process Date for the pay and select [View Pay] on the right-hand side.

    • To remove the pay, select the grey square next to the Pay Process Date for that pay and select [Delete Pay] on the right-hand side.

    • Select [Yes] to the message ‘Are you sure you want to remove the 1 selected record(s)?’

  3. Re-enter the pay exactly as it was before.

  4. Lodge pay through Single Touch Payroll

    • Now that the pay is processed it will appear in Single Touch Payroll.

    • In the Wages section, select [Single Touch Payroll] on the right-hand side under functions

    • Under [Pay Events Being Lodged] the employee’s name will appear

    • Note: The Pay Event Date will show as the date the pay was reprocessed

    • Ensure that the employee is the only one ticked in the included column.

    • Note: If you have re-processed the pays for an entire pay run (all employees), ensure all employees are ticked.

    • Under STP Values, change the [Payment Date] to the original date of payment.

    • For the Lodgement File Type, select either:

      • [Update] to update a pay within a pay run (for example, you are updating one out of five employees’ pay within the pay run for that week/fortnight/month)

      • [Update] to update a pay within a pay run (for example, you are updating one out of five employees’ pay within the pay run for that

    • [Replacement] to replace the entire pay run (you have re-processed all employees pays within that week/fortnight/month pay run)

    • Select the [Pay Event] you need to update/replace.

    • Type the name of the person making the declaration.

    • Tick the [I declare that the information transmitted in this STP event is true and correct and that I am authorised to make this declaration] box

    • Select [Send]

If you have already sent through a pay for the new financial year or would like help with the above please contact us on 8275 2000 or email

We apologise for any inconvenience.

If you have previously lodged a Termination Pay through Single Touch Payroll, please follow these steps.

Note: If you have terminated more than one employee on different dates throughout the Financial Year, you will need to repeat the full processes one by one.

  1. Termination Pay Report

  2. Select [Reports] on the left-hand side menu of Wages

  3. Select the [Termination Pays] report

  4. Click [Continue] in the bottom left

  5. Select the [All Employees] options, select the [Pay Process Date] from the drop down, select [Detailed]

  6. Click [Preview] to view the full termination pay.

  7. You can print the Termination Pay to ensure when you re process the pay, it matches your original figures.

Note: If you have more than 1 employee terminated in the Financial Year on a different Pay Process Date, repeat generating the Termination Pay report with the relevant Pay Process Date selected.

2. Reinstating an employee

  1. In the Employees section of Wages, tick [Show Terminated] on the right-hand side under Functions
  2. Select terminated employee’s name
  3. Select [Re-instate Employee] on the right-hand side under Functions
  4. Select [Yes] to the message ‘’Are you sure you want to re-instate……?”
  5. Select [No] to the message “Do you want to clear any leave accruals this employee had from their previous employment?’’
  6. The employee will now show as ‘Active’
  7. Select employee’s name and select [Tools] in the top left of the screen
  8. Select [Termination Pays] and select [View Existing Pay]
  9. Select the [Date of Termination Pay] and select [Next]
  10. You can print the Termire-process to ensure when you re process the pay, it matches your original figures
  11. Then [Delete] the termination pay

3. Re-process the termination pay

  1. Select employees name
  2. Select [Terminate Employee] on the right-hand side of the screen under Functions
  3. Select [Yes] to the message ‘’Are you sure you want to terminate…?
  4. Select the [Termination Date]
  • Note: the date will default to today’s date. Ensure to change it to the original date of the termination
  1. Select [OK]
  2. Select [Yes] to the message ‘’Do you wish to record a Termination Pay’’
  3. Process termination pay ensuring all figures match the original termination pay using your printed report as a reference

4. Single Touch Payroll

  1. Select [Single Touch Payroll] on the right-hand side under Functions
  2. Under [Pay Events Being Lodged] the employee’s name will appear.
  • Note: The Pay Event Date will show as the date the termination pay was reprocessed
  1. Ensure that employee is the only one ticked under the Include column
  • Note: If more than one employee termination pays were lodged in the same Pay Event through Single Touch Payroll originally, include them as well
  1. Under STP Values, change the [Payment Date] to the original payment date of the Termination Pay
  2. Select [Update] for the Lodgement File Type and select the [Pay Event] you need to update
  • Note: Refer to the Pay Event you documented from your Single Touch Pty Ltd account that the termination pay(s) were linked to.
  1. Type the name of the person making the declaration
  2. Tick the [I declare that the information transmitted in this STP event is true and correct and that I am authorised to make this declaration] box
  3. Select [Send]
  4. The termination pays have now been reprocessed and lodged through Single Touch Payroll as an update.

I received an email overnight with this problem all over again.
I have already reprocessed 3 x termination pays from last FY.
Do i have to do it AGAIN?


Welcome to the community and thanks for the question,

The ATO have discovered that there is a further complication with how this data is being processed for some people.

As this problem doesn’t affect everyone and you have mentioned you have already run through a fix process for your termination pays, the best course of action would be to check with your ex-employees and confirm what they are seeing in their myGov. If they are still seeing the incorrect amounts, you will need to follow the instructions in the email to complete the fix on the latest version of Cashflow Manager. We would love to be able to advise people if the issue affects them, but we cannot see employees myGov data.

We understand this is a frustrating situation, it is definitely frustrating for us as well as we have written the software to the ATO’s specifications, and it had passed their whitelisting testing without any reported problems.

We will continue to work with the ATO to try to avoid any further issues.