PAYG idea feature

It would be useful for cashflow manager to estimate payg based on data entered, looking at the profit and other customisable parameters on a monthly basis to determine how much to set aside for payg during the year


Hello @Trancenow, thank you for your query. Is this a certain report you are after? Currently Cashflow does have the ability to calculate pays for you which will generate that PAYG figure, along with the Net amount to pay to employees, any super amounts and leave if they are entitled to it.

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Great. I was e something perhaps more automated but what are the steps to generate this PAYG figure on demand?

If you are wanting to generate pays in the program you will first need to make sure you have a program that includes this feature. Cashflow Manager Gold, Wages Manager and Wages 1-4 are our products with the ability to create pays.

You will then need to set up any employees in the system that you are needing to do pays for, I have included a guide for you to view that explain how to set up employees: Cashflow Manager Knowledge Base

Once you’re employee is set up, all you will need to do is go to pay single employee, select the pay period for the pay itself, then choose the pay process date (this is the date the pay was processed on), and enter any hours the employee has worked, if they are hourly. Then click calculate and a payslip will generate.

This will show the gross amount, the net, PAYG and super.

I have also included a guide about created pays for your employees: