Ending a financial year

Hi All, still learning this program and began halfway through this last financial year. So I have just been using it as a way or recording my purchases and receipts without having an opening bank balance. Now I want to end the financial year and be able to give these totals to the business doing my tax and I didn’t enter an opening bank balance and haven’t inputted personal drawings etc. I can’t seem to find how to end this last year so I can begin the next, so the last years totals don’t appear on the new year. I have not been doing a reconciliation at the end of month and it isn’t going to match my bank accounts anyway. I don’t need this program to run as a full account program just. Feeling a little lost.

Hello, firstly, sorry for the delay. I feel if you are not adding all the entries from your bank statement into Money In/ Money out then you will not be able to reconcile. There is no end to the year in the cashflow section of the program. You use the Calander at the top right to enter data accordingly, and importantly, when you run a report, you select the timeframe for the report. This will collate the information correctly.

Hi Tanya tge delay isn’t a problem. I have been using cash flow just as a way to book keep anyway but wasn’t sure if I needed to actually end each financial year to be able to move on to the next and not mess up the previous year. As long as I can run a profit and loss and a report of what is entered for each month it will be fine. I have previously been inputting manually into an Excel spreadsheet and created an Excel profit and loss for the tax agent. So using cashflow to be able to make that a little easier.

Hi @KandR, you will absolutely be able to run a profit and loss report for each year while continuing the data entry in the same account :slight_smile:
When you come to run the report you can select the date range for the report, with the current and previous financial years being an option.