Registering for GST

We have just registered for GST but when I changed the sales columns etc to gst it changed it from the start of the financial year, I took photos of the previous months before I changed the columns just in case but I wanted to know if you can change the columns to begin from the month we started gst.

Hello @KarenK,

When switching on GST for your business you can enter a ‘Start Date’. I recommend entering in here the date the GST started from to avoid any previous records changing.

To do this go to either your money in or out, then tools in the top left, select options and go to business details.


In my business options it didn’t give me the option to put a start date, it just said “is your business registered for gst” and the option “yes or no”.



@KarenK If you select ‘Yes’, the option for a start date will appear.


I did click yes but a start date option didn’t show.



Hello @KarenK, was your business previously set up as ‘Yes’ for GST registration? If so, i recommend switching this option to no, then saving, and switching back to yes and it should appear for you now.

Hi Izzy

Yes it was.

Thanks for your help.
